Library Board

The Library Board is the governing body of the library.  They act much like a city council or school board, overseeing the finances, governing policies, and library facility.  The duties and composition are outlined in the City of West Branch’s Code of Ordinance and created by a popular vote.

The library board is comprised of seven members.  Six members reside within the city limits of West Branch and one serves as a representative of rural Cedar County.  Terms last three years.

To become a board member, individuals must fill out an application, be approved by library board, and then be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.

Board meetings are routinely held on the second Wednesday of the month in the library’s community room.  For specific details on upcoming board meetings, please visit the library’s calendar of events.


Current members of the library board are, with term expiration:

Lizabeth Osborne, President: June 30, 2026

Seth Goodspeed, Vice President, County Representative: June 30, 2026

Annika Pettitt, Secretary: June 30, 2026

Lisa Kofoed: June 30, 2025

Deb Kauffman-Watson: June 30, 2026

Erin Monaghan: June 30, 2027

Holly Wasion: June 30, 2027


For information on the past library board meetings, the minutes, agendas, and videos are on pages below:



