
Need help with a renewal, account issue, or book request?  Just contact and one of us will be able to help you.

Jessie Schafer

Library Director

Jessie has worked at WBPL since 2012, but she’s worked in libraries since college!  She worked in a back room at ICPL putting stickers on books, and she loved it so much that she went to library school to learn how to do everything else in a library.  She earned her Masters Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Iowa in 2009.

As director, Jessie is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the library.  This means anything from writing policies or creating an annual budget to plunging toilets and shoveling snow.  Primary tasks involve managing finances, community outreach, assisting other library staff in their tasks, building and technology upkeep, and implementing the goals of the library board with regular input from the community.

She also manages all the collections in the library, making sure the catalog and library website are up-to-date, hosts the book club and other programs for adults, oversees circulation, and more.

Ask Jessie about: superhero movies, hockey, Android phones, and nail art!

Kat Korsmo

Public Services Librarian

Kat started at WBPL in 2011, and went on to receive her Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Iowa in 2013.

If you come to the library, you’ll probably see Kat at the circulation desk.  She can answer all your questions about your account, reserves, and more.  After Jessie orders books, Kat gets them ready to check out and puts them in the catalog.  She also helps when you need help with the computers and printer, and does graphics and marketing for the library.

Ask Kat about: Sherlock Holmes, Asian cuisine, horror movies, Ebay, and true crime podcasts!

Mary Buol

Programming Librarian