Wednesday, April 26, 7pm
WBPL Community Room
Snacks provided!
WBPL is excited to host a program with West Branch author Joanne Salemink! Joanne is the author of two novels, Scout’s Honor and Scout’s Redemption. She’ll be joining us to talk about her latest novel.
Jo Salemink is a former journalist, high school teacher and stay-at-home-mom. She likes happy endings, good stories, laughing until someone snorts and living in Eastern Iowa with her husband and two grown children.
She’s been a resident of West Branch for 20 years … moving here all the way from West Liberty! When we say she’s local, we mean local. She likes to infuse her writing with a sense of Iowa, little Midwestern-based “Easter eggs” that readers can identify with. If you’d like to check out one of her books, we have some here in circulation or they’re available to purchase on Amazon!
Truly trivial trivia: Joanne has worked at the West Branch Times at least three separate times!