
Winter Reading Month is ending!

How did you do? Did you earn your pizza?

Winter Reading Month ends on February 28th. If you read every day this month, you can bring your completed bookmark in to Herb N’ Lou’s anytime for your free personal pizza!

Also, our kids’ programs are back this week:

Family Storytime – Tuesday 6:45 pm

Baby Time – Wednesday 9 am @ Town Hall

Early Out Program – Wednesday 2 pm

Storytime – Friday 10:15 am

No storytime Tuesday or Wednesday

There will be no Family Storytime Tuesday night or Baby Time Wednesday morning. We’re still on for Storytime Friday!

Our book discussion of Carnegie’s Maid will be Tuesday night at 7pm! Visit the book club page for details.

NO Family Storytime – Tuesday

Book Discussion – Tuesday 7 pm

Carnegie’s Maid by Marie Benedict

NO Baby Time – Wednesday

Early Out Program – Wednesday 2 pm

Storytime – Friday 10:15 am

What’s happening @ WBPL

Adult book discussion and storytimes this week at the library!

Family Storytime – Tuesday 6:45pm

Book Discussion (any Agatha Christie book) – Tuesday 7:00pm in the community room

Baby Time – Wednesday 9:00am @ Town Hall

Early-Out Program – Wednesday 2:00pm

Storytime – Friday 10:15am