Garden Swap
There’s a garden swap going on now at the library! Bring in your extra garden plants, houseplants, cuttings, and fruits & veggies, and see what’s here to take home!
The garden swap will be going on throughout June & July.

There’s a garden swap going on now at the library! Bring in your extra garden plants, houseplants, cuttings, and fruits & veggies, and see what’s here to take home!
The garden swap will be going on throughout June & July.
It’s summer at the library!
Sign up for the Summer Library Program is going on now! It’s not too late to join, just stop by the library to get started.
Visit the Summer Library Program for all the details.
Summer begins at the library after Memorial Day!
Sign up for the Summer Library Program starting May 31, and join us for the official kickoff on Friday, June 3 at 6:30pm!!
Visit the Summer Library Program for all the details.